Transferring from one college to another is a difficult procedure. Because transfer admission rates are substantially lower than those for high school candidates, it is critical to submit the strongest essays, letters of recommendation, and activities available. It’s even more crucial to present your candidacy in the best possible light in order to explain why you’ve decided to transfer and how the new college would better suit your aims and interests.
At SK Education Consulting Group, we will ensure that both your resources and your overall profile are the best it can be.
We offer professional consultation with each transfer student to find out what they want out of their college experience. We then review various colleges that would be a good fit for the applicant and assist them in making the best decision.
We review the student’s initial college applications and find the weakness that led to the negative outcome. We then use a combination of strategic positioning and essay and activity assistance to explore solutions to address those errors.
SK’s essay experts will provide individualized support for transfer students to prepare an outstanding and persuasive message than those submitted by high school students, and we tailor personal statements to each college, emphasizing what each school looks for in transfer applicants.
We take the recommendation letters that are sent to institutions on behalf of our transfer applicants extremely seriously. We will strategize and advise the transferring student on what topics should be emphasized in these letters if s/he wants to get admitted to the best programs in the country as part of our services.
Many students are unaware that when applying to transfer to another school, the student’s course selection in his current school is extremely important. We advise our applicants on which courses will best help them get into the school of their choice during the transfer application process.